22 August 1741

Event Information
Theatre: Bartholomew Fair
Theatrical Season: 1740-1741
Volume: 3
Comments: At Fawkes-Pinchbeck Booth a machine and a puppet show were staged; at W. Hallam's Booth rope dancers and tumblers performed

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p{?bf Comment. *c{?bf At <i>Fawkes-Pinchbeck Booth</i> a machine and a puppet show were staged; at <i>W. Hallam's Booth</i> rope dancers and tumblers performed.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1741 08 22 bf Comment.*c1741 08 22 bf At <i>Fawkes-Pinchbeck Booth</i> a machine and a puppet show were staged; at <i>W. Hallam's Booth</i> rope dancers and tumblers performed.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 20707 | 17410822 | bf | At <i>Fawkes-Pinchbeck Booth</i> a machine and a puppet show were staged; at <i>W. Hallam's Booth</i> rope dancers and tumblers performed

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