13 November 1739

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1739-1740
Volume: 3

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pyMdl The Stratagem. As 11 Sept., but Dorinda-Mrs Mills. *ayMdl The Fall of Phaeton. As 3 Nov. *dyMdl III: <i>Le Gout Anglois</i>-Master Matthews, Miss Wright; IV: <i>Drunken Peasant</i>-Master Ferg. *syMdl II: As 24 Oct.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1739 11 13 dl The Stratagem. ^As17390911^, but Dorinda-Mrs Mills.*a1739 11 13 dl The Fall of Phaeton. ^As17391103^.*d1739 11 13 dl III: <i>Le Gout Anglois</i>-Master Matthews, Miss Wright; IV: <i>Drunken Peasant</i>-Master Ferg.*s1739 11 13 dl II: ^As17391024^.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 19747 | 17391113 | dl
    Performance: 37507 | 19747 | p | The Stratagem | As17390911, but Dorinda-Mrs Mills.
    AsSeeDate: 37507 | dl | p | As | 17390911
    58657 | 37507 | Dorinda | Mrs Mills.
    309444 | 37507 | Aimwell | Milward
    309445 | 37507 | Archer | Mills
    309446 | 37507 | Scrub | Penkethman
    309447 | 37507 | Bonniface | Shepard
    309448 | 37507 | Foigard | Macklin
    309449 | 37507 | Sullen | Winstone
    309450 | 37507 | Gibbet | Woodward
    309451 | 37507 | Sir Charles | Ridout
    309452 | 37507 | Mrs Sullen | Mrs Giffard
    309453 | 37507 | Cherry | Mrs Clive
    309454 | 37507 | Lady Bountiful | Mrs Marshall
    309455 | 37507 | Gipsey | Mrs Bennet
    309456 | 37507 | Countrywoman | Reed.
    Performance: 37508 | 19747 | a | The Fall of Phaeton | As17391103.
    AsSeeDate: 37508 | dl | a | As | 17391103
    309457 | 37508 | <i>Les Tambourines</i>
    309458 | 37508 | Grand <i>Ballet</i>
    309459 | 37508 | <i>Les Tambourine</i> | Mlle Chateauneuf
    309460 | 37508 | Phoebus | Usher.
    309461 | 37508 | Phaeton | Green
    309462 | 37508 | Priest of Sun | Reinhold
    309463 | 37508 | Jupiter | Winstone
    309464 | 37508 | Neptune | Turbutt
    309465 | 37508 | Terra | Mrs Wright
    309466 | 37508 | 1st Ethiopian | Muilment.
    309467 | 37508 | Clymene | Mrs Clive
    309468 | 37508 | Mercury | Beard
    309469 | 37508 | Turk | Pelling
    309470 | 37508 | Colombine | Mrs Walter
    309471 | 37508 | Morocco Servant | Penkethman
    309472 | 37508 | Harlequin's Good Genius | Miss Cole
    309473 | 37508 | Harlequin | Woodward
    309474 | 37508 | with a <i>Grand Ballet</i> | Denoyer, Mlle Chateauneuf, Liviez, Baudouin, Fromont, Carney, Mrs Walter, Mrs Thompson, Mrs Woodward, Mrs Vallois.
    Performance: 37509 | 19747 | d | III: <i>Le Gout Anglois</i>-Master Matthews, Miss Wright; IV: <i>Drunken Peasant</i>-Master Ferg
    Performance: 37510 | 19747 | s | II: As17391024
    AsSeeDate: 37510 | dl | s | As | 17391024


As17390911, but Dorinda-Mrs Mills.




Comment: III: Le Gout Anglois-Master Matthews, Miss Wright; IV: Drunken Peasant-Master Ferg


Comment: II: As17391024

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