13 April 1692

Event Information
Theatre: no theater listed
Theatrical Season: 1690-1691
Volume: 1
Comments: Gentleman's Journal, April 1692 (licensed 13 April): Mr Banks hath writ a Tragedy call'd the Innocent Usurper....However, there being some reasons which hinder it from appearing on the Stage, he designs to submit it to the Judgment of every Impartial Reader, and it will very speedily appear in print

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p1?none Comment. *c1?none <i>Gentleman's Journal</i>, April 1692 (licensed 13 April): $Mr Banks= hath writ a Tragedy call'd the <i>Innocent Usurper</i>....However, there being some reasons which hinder it from appearing on the Stage, he designs to submit it to the Judgment of every Impartial Reader, and it will very speedily appear in print.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1692 04 13 none Comment.*c1692 04 13 none <i>Gentleman's Journal</i>, April 1692 (licensed 13 April): $Mr Banks= hath writ a Tragedy call'd the <i>Innocent Usurper</i>....However, there being some reasons which hinder it from appearing on the Stage, he designs to submit it to the Judgment of every Impartial Reader, and it will very speedily appear in print.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1838 | 16920413 | none | <i>Gentleman's Journal</i>, April 1692 (licensed 13 April): $Mr Banks= hath writ a Tragedy call'd the <i>Innocent Usurper</i>....However, there being some reasons which hinder it from appearing on the Stage, he designs to submit it to the Judgment of every Impartial Reader, and it will very speedily appear in print

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