13 August 1691

Event Information
Theatre: no theater listed
Theatrical Season: 1690-1691
Volume: 1
Comments: Walsh to Dryden: Is Cleomenes finisht pray or have you begun ye other design you told mee of abt ye priesthood (The Letters of John Dryden, ed. Ward, p. 44)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p0?none Comment. *c0?none $Walsh= to $Dryden=: Is <i>Cleomenes</i> finisht pray or have you begun ye other design you told mee of abt ye priesthood (<i>The Letters of John Dryden</i>, ed. $Ward=, p. 44).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1691 08 13 none Comment.*c1691 08 13 none $Walsh= to $Dryden=: Is <i>Cleomenes</i> finisht pray or have you begun ye other design you told mee of abt ye priesthood (<i>The Letters of John Dryden</i>, ed. $Ward=, p. 44).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1799 | 16910813 | none | $Walsh= to $Dryden=: Is <i>Cleomenes</i> finisht pray or have you begun ye other design you told mee of abt ye priesthood (<i>The Letters of John Dryden</i>, ed. $Ward=, p. 44)

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