20 May 1734

Event Information
Theatre: Haymarket Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1733-1734
Volume: 3
Comments: Daily Advertiser, 20 May: A mad Company of Comedians having lately taken the Hay-market Theatre, propose to convert it into a Mad-house, and humbly hope the Town will be as mad as themselves, and come frequently to see their mad Performances. which will be madly exhibited, two or three Times a Week, during the Summer Season

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: OCR from HathiTrust PDFs

    *c1734 5 20 hay Daily Advertiser, 20 May: A mad Company of Comedians having lately taken the Hay-market Theatre, propose to convert it into a Mad-house, and humbly hope the Town will be as mad as themselves, and come frequently to see their mad Performances. which will be madly exhibited, two or three Times a Week, during the Summer Season.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1734 05 20 hay . hathi.*c1734 05 20 hay .hathi.*c1734 05 20 hay Daily Advertiser, 20 May: A mad Company of Comedians having lately taken the Hay-market Theatre, propose to convert it into a Mad-house, and humbly hope the Town will be as mad as themselves, and come frequently to see their mad Performances. which will be madly exhibited, two or three Times a Week, during the Summer Season .hathi.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 16475 | 17340520 | hay | hathi | Daily Advertiser, 20 May: A mad Company of Comedians having lately taken the Hay-market Theatre, propose to convert it into a Mad-house, and humbly hope the Town will be as mad as themselves, and come frequently to see their mad Performances. which will be madly exhibited, two or three Times a Week, during the Summer Season
    Performance: 29630 | 16475 | p | hathi.


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