30 December 1685

Event Information
Theatre: Mr. Oldfield's residence
Theatrical Season: 1684-1685
Volume: 1
Comments: Peregrine Bertie to the Countess of Rutland, 31 Dec. 1685: Last night was a masque at Mr Oldfield's in Soho Square, there was a great deale of very good company (ibid.). [Bridget Noel, writing to the Countess of Rutland, ca. 6 Jan. 1685@5, refers to a musicale, but her letter leaves unclear whether she refers to the same one Peregrine Bertie discusses (ibid.).

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p(~oldfield Concert. *c(~oldfield $Peregrine Bertie= to the $Countess of Rutland=, 31 Dec. 1685: Last night was a masque at $Mr Oldfield's= in <i>Soho Square</i>, there was a great deale of very good company (<i>ibid</i>.). [$Bridget Noel=, writing to the $Countess of Rutland=, ca. 6 Jan. 1685@5, refers to a musicale, but her letter leaves unclear whether she refers to the same one Peregrine Bertie discusses (<i>ibid</i>.).]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1685 12 30 oldfield Concert.*c1685 12 30 oldfield $Peregrine Bertie= to the $Countess of Rutland=, 31 Dec. 1685: Last night was a masque at $Mr Oldfield's= in <i>Soho Square</i>, there was a great deale of very good company (<i>ibid</i>.). [$Bridget Noel=, writing to the $Countess of Rutland=, ca. 6 Jan. 1685@5, refers to a musicale, but her letter leaves unclear whether she refers to the same one Peregrine Bertie discusses (<i>ibid</i>.).]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1600 | 16851230 | oldfield | $Peregrine Bertie= to the $Countess of Rutland=, 31 Dec. 1685: Last night was a masque at $Mr Oldfield's= in <i>Soho Square</i>, there was a great deale of very good company (<i>ibid</i>.). [$Bridget Noel=, writing to the $Countess of Rutland=, ca. 6 Jan. 1685@5, refers to a musicale, but her letter leaves unclear whether she refers to the same one Peregrine Bertie discusses (<i>ibid</i>.).
    Performance: 1604 | 1600 | p | Concert


Title: Concert
None Listed

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