09 November 1682

Event Information
Theatre: Dorset Garden Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1682-1683
Volume: 1
Comments: The Duke's Company. This play was also reprintdd in 1683. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@145, p. 120: Wth ye Q: & a box for ye Maides of honor. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 349. On this day Drury Lane was leased for nineteen years to Charles Davenant and his associates in furthering the union of the two companies. See Hotson, Commonwealth and Restoration Stage, p. 277

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p#?dg The Souldier's Fortune. [See June 1680.% *c#?dg The <i>Duke's Company</i>. This play was also reprintdd in 1683. This performance is on the <i>L. C. list</i>, 5@145, p. 120: Wth $ye Q=: & a box for ye Maides of honor. See also <i>Nicoll, Restoration Drama</i>, p. 349. On this day <i>Drury Lane</i> was leased for nineteen years to $Charles Davenant= and his associates in furthering the union of the two companies. See $Hotson=, <i>Commonwealth and Restoration Stage</i>, p. 277.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1682 11 09 dg The Souldier's Fortune. See June 1680.*c1682 11 09 dg The <i>Duke's Company</i>. This play was also reprintdd in 1683. This performance is on the <i>L. C. list</i>, 5@145, p. 120: Wth $ye Q=: & a box for ye Maides of honor. See also <i>Nicoll, Restoration Drama</i>, p. 349. On this day <i>Drury Lane</i> was leased for nineteen years to $Charles Davenant= and his associates in furthering the union of the two companies. See $Hotson=, <i>Commonwealth and Restoration Stage</i>, p. 277.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1503 | 16821109 | dg | The <i>Duke's Company</i>. This play was also reprintdd in 1683. This performance is on the <i>L. C. list</i>, 5@145, p. 120: Wth $ye Q=: & a box for ye Maides of honor. See also <i>Nicoll, Restoration Drama</i>, p. 349. On this day <i>Drury Lane</i> was leased for nineteen years to $Charles Davenant= and his associates in furthering the union of the two companies. See $Hotson=, <i>Commonwealth and Restoration Stage</i>, p. 277
    Performance: 1507 | 1503 | p | The Souldier's Fortune | See June 1680.


See June 1680.
None Listed

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