24 June 1732

Event Information
Theatre: Blackheath
Theatrical Season: 1731-1732
Volume: 3
Comments: EEgmont, Diary, I, 282: Went with my family, at Lady Dartmouth's desire, to see a play acted by strollers at Blackheath

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pn8bla Comment. *cn8bla <i>EEgmont, Diary</i>, I, 282: Went with my family, at $Lady Dartmouth='s desire, to see a play acted by strollers at <i>Blackheath</i>.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1732 06 24 bla Comment.*c1732 06 24 bla <i>EEgmont, Diary</i>, I, 282: Went with my family, at $Lady Dartmouth='s desire, to see a play acted by strollers at <i>Blackheath</i>.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 14988 | 17320624 | bla | <i>EEgmont, Diary</i>, I, 282: Went with my family, at $Lady Dartmouth='s desire, to see a play acted by strollers at <i>Blackheath</i>

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