04 February 1731

Event Information
Theatre: Hickford's Room
Theatrical Season: 1730-1731
Volume: 3
Comments: Benefit a Gentlewoman lately arriv'd. 5s. 7 p.m

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pl$hic Concert. *ml$hic [IIn which %several Instruments, [particularly on %the Violin, [she having been approv'd by $Mr Handell=, will play% (besides $Corelli='s $Vivaldi='s,) some Pieces of her own Composing-a Gentlewoman. *cl$hic Benefit a Gentlewoman lately arriv'd. 5s. 7 p.m.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1731 02 04 hic Concert.*m1731 02 04 hic In which several Instruments, particularly on the Violin, she having been approv'd by $Mr Handell=, will play (besides $Corelli='s $Vivaldi='s,) some Pieces of her own Composing-a Gentlewoman.*c1731 02 04 hic Benefit a Gentlewoman lately arriv'd. 5s. 7 p.m.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 13956 | 17310204 | hic | Benefit a Gentlewoman lately arriv'd. 5s. 7 p.m
    Performance: 23996 | 13956 | p | Concert
    Performance: 23997 | 13956 | m | In which several Instruments, particularly on the Violin, she having been approv'd by $Mr Handell=, will play (besides $Corelli='s $Vivaldi='s,) some Pieces of her own Composing-a Gentlewoman


Title: Concert
None Listed


Comment: In which several Instruments, particularly on the Violin, she having been approv'd by Mr Handell, will play (besides Corelli's Vivaldi's,) some Pieces of her own Composing-a Gentlewoman

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