11 December 1730

Event Information
Theatre: Haymarket Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1730-1731
Volume: 3
Comments: Benefit the Author

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pk?hay The Merry Masqueraders. As 9 Dec., but [With a% new Epilogue [to be spoke by the Author%-Mrs Aubin [the Oratrix%. *ck?hay Benefit the Author.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1730 12 11 hay The Merry Masqueraders. ^As17301209^, but With a new Epilogue to be spoke by the Author-Mrs Aubin the Oratrix.*c1730 12 11 hay Benefit the Author.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 13795 | 17301211 | hay | Benefit the Author
    Performance: 23696 | 13795 | p | The Merry Masqueraders | As17301209, but With a new Epilogue to be spoke by the Author-Mrs Aubin the Oratrix.
    AsSeeDate: 23696 | hay | p | As | 17301209
    33178 | 23696 | With a new Epilogue to be spoke by the Author | Mrs Aubin the Oratrix.
    254538 | 23696 | Parts | Jones, Morgan, Roberts, Furnival, Hallam, Reynolds, Mrs Morgan, Mrs Mullart, Mrs Woodward, Mrs Nokes.


As17301209, but With a new Epilogue to be spoke by the Author-Mrs Aubin the Oratrix.

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