03 October 1679

Event Information
Theatre: Brussels, Belgium
Theatrical Season: 1679-1680
Volume: 1
Comments: Apparently The Man of Mode had an amateur revival in Brussels in the autumn, possibly before the Duke and Duchess of York, when they were away from London. Princess Anne to Frances Apsley, 3 Oct. 1679: The play is practisde to night Miss Watts is to be Lady townly which part I beleeve wont much become her. [See Benjamin Bathurst, Letters of Two Queens (London, 1924), pp. 111-12]

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p#brussels Comment. *c#brussels Apparently <i>The Man of Mode</i> had an amateur revival in <i>Brussels</i> in the autumn, possibly before the $Duke and Duchess of York=, when they were away from <i>London</i>. $Princess Anne= to $Frances Apsley=, 3 Oct. 1679: The play is practisde to night $Miss Watts= is to be <i>Lady townly</i>r which part I beleeve wont much become her. [See $Benjamin Bathurst=, <i>Letters of Two Queens</i> (London, 1924), pp. 111-12].
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1679 10 03 brussels Comment.*c1679 10 03 brussels Apparently <i>The Man of Mode</i> had an amateur revival in <i>Brussels</i> in the autumn, possibly before the $Duke and Duchess of York=, when they were away from <i>London</i>. $Princess Anne= to $Frances Apsley=, 3 Oct. 1679: The play is practisde to night $Miss Watts= is to be <i>Lady townly</i>r which part I beleeve wont much become her. [See $Benjamin Bathurst=, <i>Letters of Two Queens</i> (London, 1924), pp. 111-12].
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1368 | 16791003 | brussels | Apparently <i>The Man of Mode</i> had an amateur revival in <i>Brussels</i> in the autumn, possibly before the $Duke and Duchess of York=, when they were away from <i>London</i>. $Princess Anne= to $Frances Apsley=, 3 Oct. 1679: The play is practisde to night $Miss Watts= is to be <i>Lady townly</i> which part I beleeve wont much become her. [See $Benjamin Bathurst=, <i>Letters of Two Queens</i> (London, 1924), pp. 111-12]

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