06 August 1729

Event Information
Theatre: Richmond
Theatrical Season: 1728-1729
Volume: 2
Comments: DDaily Journal, 8 Aug.: On Wednesday last in the Evening her Majesty, the Prince of Wales, his Royal Highness the Duke, the Princess Royal, and the Princesses Amelia and Carolina, were entertained in the Gardens at Richmond by the Comedians of the Theatre Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pi?ri Unknown. The lif Company. *ci?ri <i>DDaily Journal</i>, 8 Aug.: On Wednesday last in the Evening $her Majesty=, the $Prince of Wales=, his Royal Highness the $Duke=, the $Princess Royal=, and the $Princesses Amelia and Carolina=, were entertained in the $Gardens at Richmond= by the <i>Comedians of the Theatre Royal</i> in <i>Lincoln's-Inn-Fields</i>.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1729 08 06 ri Unknown. The lif Company.*c1729 08 06 ri <i>DDaily Journal</i>, 8 Aug.: On Wednesday last in the Evening $her Majesty=, the $Prince of Wales=, his Royal Highness the $Duke=, the $Princess Royal=, and the $Princesses Amelia and Carolina=, were entertained in the $Gardens at Richmond= by the <i>Comedians of the Theatre Royal</i> in <i>Lincoln's-Inn-Fields</i>.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 12817 | 17290806 | ri | <i>DDaily Journal</i>, 8 Aug.: On Wednesday last in the Evening $her Majesty=, the $Prince of Wales=, his Royal Highness the $Duke=, the $Princess Royal=, and the $Princesses Amelia and Carolina=, were entertained in the $Gardens at Richmond= by the <i>Comedians of the Theatre Royal</i> in <i>Lincoln's-Inn-Fields</i>
    Performance: 21702 | 12817 | p | Unknown | The lif Company.


Title: Unknown
The lif Company.
None Listed

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