02 March 1728

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1727-1728
Volume: 2
Comments: At the particular Desire of several Ladies of Quality

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pg?dl The Constant Couple. As 14 Sept. 1727, but Parly-Mrs Mills. *dg?dl Mrs Booth, Miss Robinson Jr. *cg?dl At the particular Desire of several Ladies of Quality.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1728 03 02 dl The Constant Couple. ^As17270914^, but Parly-Mrs Mills.*d1728 03 02 dl Mrs Booth, Miss Robinson Jr.*c1728 03 02 dl At the particular Desire of several Ladies of Quality.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 12099 | 17280302 | dl | At the particular Desire of several Ladies of Quality
    Performance: 20385 | 12099 | p | The Constant Couple | As17270914, but Parly-Mrs Mills.
    AsSeeDate: 20385 | dl | p | As | 17270914
    26813 | 20385 | Parly | Mrs Mills.
    242239 | 20385 | Sir Harry | Wilks
    242240 | 20385 | Lady Lurewell | Mrs Oldfield
    242241 | 20385 | Angelica | Mrs Booth
    242242 | 20385 | Colonel Standard | Mills
    242243 | 20385 | Smugler | Johnson
    242244 | 20385 | Beau Clincher | Miller
    242245 | 20385 | Young Clincher | Oates
    242246 | 20385 | Vizard | Wm. Mills
    242247 | 20385 | Dicky | Norris
    242248 | 20385 | Lady Darling | Mrs Moore
    Performance: 20386 | 12099 | d | Mrs Booth, Miss Robinson Jr


As17270914, but Parly-Mrs Mills.


Comment: Mrs Booth, Miss Robinson Jr

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