12 January 1728

Event Information
Theatre: Lincoln's Inn Fields
Theatrical Season: 1727-1728
Volume: 2
Comments: Not Perform'd these Ten Years. Receipts: #48 13s. 6d. Probable attendance: boxes, 45 paid and 8 orders; pit, 142 paid and 9 orders; slips, 11 paid and 8 orders; first gallery, 98 paid and 1 order; second gallery, 48 paid

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pg?lif Thomyris, Queen of Scythia. *cg?lif Not Perform'd these Ten Years. Receipts: #48 13s. 6d. Probable attendance: boxes, 45 paid and 8 orders; pit, 142 paid and 9 orders; slips, 11 paid and 8 orders; first gallery, 98 paid and 1 order; second gallery, 48 paid.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1728 01 12 lif Thomyris, Queen of Scythia.*c1728 01 12 lif Not Perform'd these Ten Years. Receipts: #48 13s. 6d. Probable attendance: boxes, 45 paid and 8 orders; pit, 142 paid and 9 orders; slips, 11 paid and 8 orders; first gallery, 98 paid and 1 order; second gallery, 48 paid.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 12007 | 17280112 | lif | Not Perform'd these Ten Years. Receipts: #48 13s. 6d. Probable attendance: boxes, 45 paid and 8 orders; pit, 142 paid and 9 orders; slips, 11 paid and 8 orders; first gallery, 98 paid and 1 order; second gallery, 48 paid
    Performance: 20283 | 12007 | p | Thomyris, Queen Of Scythia


None Listed

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