06 June 1727

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1726-1727
Volume: 2
Comments: On this occasion the partisans of Signora Cuzzoni and Signora Faustina prec1pitated hissing, catcalls, and other disturbances. For details, see British Journal, 10 June; Mist's, 10 June; Craftsman, 10 June; and Ilchester, pp. 18-19

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pf?king's Astyanax. See 6 May. *cf?king's On this occasion the partisans of $Signora Cuzzoni= and $Signora Faustina= prec1pitated hissing, catcalls, and other disturbances. For details, see <i>British Journal</i>, 10 June; <i>Mist's</i>, 10 June; <i>Craftsman</i>, 10 June; and Ilchester, pp. 18-19.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1727 06 06 king's Astyanax. ^See17270506^.*c1727 06 06 king's On this occasion the partisans of $Signora Cuzzoni= and $Signora Faustina= prec1pitated hissing, catcalls, and other disturbances. For details, see <i>British Journal</i>, 10 June; <i>Mist's</i>, 10 June; <i>Craftsman</i>, 10 June; and Ilchester, pp. 18-19.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 11792 | 17270606 | king's | On this occasion the partisans of $Signora Cuzzoni= and $Signora Faustina= prec1pitated hissing, catcalls, and other disturbances. For details, see <i>British Journal</i>, 10 June; <i>Mist's</i>, 10 June; <i>Craftsman</i>, 10 June; and Ilchester, pp. 18-19
    Performance: 19948 | 11792 | p | Astyanax | See17270506.


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