03 September 1675

Event Information
Theatre: Bartholomew Fair
Theatrical Season: 1674-1675
Volume: 1
Comments: G. Lady Chaworth to Lord Roos, 7 Sept. 1675: The Dutchesse of York? lykes Bartholomew Faire so well she hath bin att [it] againe incognito on Friday (HMC, 12th Report, Part V, Rutland Papers, II, 27)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pbf Comment. *cbf $G. Lady Chaworth= to $Lord Roos=, 7 Sept. 1675: The $Dutchesse of York?= lykes <i>Bartholomew Faire</i> so well she hath bin att [it] againe incognito on Friday (<i>HMC, 12th Report</i>, Part V, <i>Rutland Papers</i>, II, 27).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1675 09 03 bf Comment.*c1675 09 03 bf $G. Lady Chaworth= to $Lord Roos=, 7 Sept. 1675: The $Dutchesse of York?= lykes <i>Bartholomew Faire</i> so well she hath bin att [it] againe incognito on Friday (<i>HMC, 12th Report</i>, Part V, <i>Rutland Papers</i>, II, 27).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1178 | 16750903 | bf | $G. Lady Chaworth= to $Lord Roos=, 7 Sept. 1675: The $Dutchesse of York?= lykes <i>Bartholomew Faire</i> so well she hath bin att [it] againe incognito on Friday (<i>HMC, 12th Report</i>, Part V, <i>Rutland Papers</i>, II, 27)

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