25 January 1727

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1726-1727
Volume: 2
Comments: At the particular Desire of several Persons of Quality

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pfdl Cato. As 19 Jan., but Sempronius-Mills; Juba-Wilks; Syphax-Cibber; Portius-Williams; Marcus-Bridgwater; Marcia-Mrs Horton; Lucia-Mrs Porter. *cfdl At the particular Desire of several Persons of Quality.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1727 01 25 dl Cato. ^As17270119^, but Sempronius-Mills; Juba-Wilks; Syphax-Cibber; Portius-Williams; Marcus-Bridgwater; Marcia-Mrs Horton; Lucia-Mrs Porter.*c1727 01 25 dl At the particular Desire of several Persons of Quality.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 11576 | 17270125 | dl | At the particular Desire of several Persons of Quality
    Performance: 19520 | 11576 | p | Cato | As17270119, but Sempronius-Mills; Juba-Wilks; Syphax-Cibber; Portius-Williams; Marcus-Bridgwater; Marcia-Mrs Horton; Lucia-Mrs Porter.
    AsSeeDate: 19520 | dl | p | As | 17270119
    25393 | 19520 | Sempronius | Mills
    25394 | 19520 | Juba | Wilks
    25395 | 19520 | Syphax | Cibber
    25396 | 19520 | Portius | Williams
    25397 | 19520 | Marcus | Bridgwater
    25398 | 19520 | Marcia | Mrs Horton
    25399 | 19520 | Lucia | Mrs Porter.
    238890 | 19520 | Cato | Booth.


Title: Cato
As17270119, but Sempronius-Mills; Juba-Wilks; Syphax-Cibber; Portius-Williams; Marcus-Bridgwater; Marcia-Mrs Horton; Lucia-Mrs Porter.

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