22 December 1674

Event Information
Theatre: Whitehall or St. James's
Theatrical Season: 1674-1675
Volume: 1
Comments: [Evelyn, Diary: [I] was at the repetition of the Pastoral, on which [occasion] my friend Mrs Blagg, had about her neere 20.000 pounds worth of Jewells, of which one she lost, borrowed of the Countesse of Suffolck, worth about 80 pounds, which the Duke made good; & indeede the presse of people was so greate, that it was a wonder she lost no more. There is some doubt that this was a full performance of the work, for Evelyn refers to it as "the repetition" and other evidence points to 15 Feb. 1674@5 as the first complete production. See Boswell, Restoration Court Stage, pp. 180-81. It is probable that Mrs Blagge's loss of jewels occurred, not on this date, but on 15 Feb. 1674@5. For a more complete account of that incident, see The Life of Mrs Godolphin by John Evelyn of Wotton, ed. Samuel Lord Bishop of Oxford (London, 1874), pp. 97-101. See also 15 Feb. 1674@5

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?atcourt [A Rehearsal of% Calisto?. *c?atcourt [<i>Evelyn, Diary</i>: [I] was at the repetition of the <i>Pastoral</i>, on which [occasion] my friend $Mrs Blagg=, had about her neere 20.000 pounds worth of Jewells, of which one she lost, borrowed of the $Countesse of Suffolck=, worth about 80 pounds, which the Duke made good; & indeede the presse of people was so greate, that it was a wonder she lost no more. There is some doubt that this was a full performance of the work, for $Evelyn= refers to it as "the repetition" and other evidence points to 15 Feb. 1674@5 as the first complete production. See $Boswell=, <i>Restoration Court Stage</i>, pp. 180-81. It is probable that $Mrs Blagge='s loss of jewels occurred, not on this date, but on 15 Feb. 1674@5. For a more complete account of that incident, see <i>The Life of Mrs Godolphin by John Evelyn of Wotton</i>, ed. $Samuel Lord Bishop of Oxford= (<i>London</i>, 1874), pp. 97-101. See also 15 Feb. 1674@5.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1674 12 22 atcourt A Rehearsal of Calisto?.*c1674 12 22 atcourt [<i>Evelyn, Diary</i>: [I] was at the repetition of the <i>Pastoral</i>, on which [occasion] my friend $Mrs Blagg=, had about her neere 20.000 pounds worth of Jewells, of which one she lost, borrowed of the $Countesse of Suffolck=, worth about 80 pounds, which the Duke made good; & indeede the presse of people was so greate, that it was a wonder she lost no more. There is some doubt that this was a full performance of the work, for $Evelyn= refers to it as "the repetition" and other evidence points to 15 Feb. 1674@5 as the first complete production. See $Boswell=, <i>Restoration Court Stage</i>, pp. 180-81. It is probable that $Mrs Blagge='s loss of jewels occurred, not on this date, but on 15 Feb. 1674@5. For a more complete account of that incident, see <i>The Life of Mrs Godolphin by John Evelyn of Wotton</i>, ed. $Samuel Lord Bishop of Oxford= (<i>London</i>, 1874), pp. 97-101. See also 15 Feb. 1674@5.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1119 | 16741222 | atcourt | [<i>Evelyn, Diary</i>: [I] was at the repetition of the <i>Pastoral</i>, on which [occasion] my friend $Mrs Blagg=, had about her neere 20.000 pounds worth of Jewells, of which one she lost, borrowed of the $Countesse of Suffolck=, worth about 80 pounds, which the Duke made good; & indeede the presse of people was so greate, that it was a wonder she lost no more. There is some doubt that this was a full performance of the work, for $Evelyn= refers to it as "the repetition" and other evidence points to 15 Feb. 1674@5 as the first complete production. See $Boswell=, <i>Restoration Court Stage</i>, pp. 180-81. It is probable that $Mrs Blagge='s loss of jewels occurred, not on this date, but on 15 Feb. 1674@5. For a more complete account of that incident, see <i>The Life of Mrs Godolphin by John Evelyn of Wotton</i>, ed. $Samuel Lord Bishop of Oxford= (<i>London</i>, 1874), pp. 97-101. See also 15 Feb. 1674@5
    Performance: 1119 | 1119 | p | A Rehearsal Of Calisto | .


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