15 December 1724

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1724-1725
Volume: 2
Comments: For a satiric poem on this night's performance, see Weekly Journal or Saturday's Post, 19 Dec., or Poem No. 334 in A Collection of Epigrams (1727)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pb?dl Caesar in Aegypt. See 9 Dec. *cb?dl For a satiric poem on this night's performance, see <i>Weekly Journal or Saturday's Post</i>, 19 Dec., or Poem No. 334 in <i>A Collection of Epigrams</i> (1727).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1724 12 15 dl Caesar in Aegypt. ^See17241209^.*c1724 12 15 dl For a satiric poem on this night's performance, see <i>Weekly Journal or Saturday's Post</i>, 19 Dec., or Poem No. 334 in <i>A Collection of Epigrams</i> (1727).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 10534 | 17241215 | dl | For a satiric poem on this night's performance, see <i>Weekly Journal or Saturday's Post</i>, 19 Dec., or Poem No. 334 in <i>A Collection of Epigrams</i> (1727)
    Performance: 17471 | 10534 | p | Caesar In Aegypt | See17241209.


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