17 October 1724

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1724-1725
Volume: 2
Comments: LLondon Journal, 17 Oct.: We hear there is a new Opera now in Practice...called, Tamerlane, the Musick composed by Mynheer Hendel, and that Signior Borseni, newly arriv'd from Italy, is to sing the Part of the Tyrant Bajazet. N.B. It is commonly reported this Gentleman was never cut out for a Singer

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pb?king's Comment. *cb?king's <i>LLondon Journal</i>, 17 Oct.: We hear there is a new Opera now in Practice...called, <i>Tamerlane</i>, the Musick composed by $Mynheer Hendel=, and that $Signior Borseni=, newly arriv'd from <i>Italy</i>, is to sing the Part of the Tyrant <i>Bajazet</i>r. N.B. It is commonly reported this Gentleman was never cut out for a Singer.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1724 10 17 king's Comment.*c1724 10 17 king's <i>LLondon Journal</i>, 17 Oct.: We hear there is a new Opera now in Practice...called, <i>Tamerlane</i>, the Musick composed by $Mynheer Hendel=, and that $Signior Borseni=, newly arriv'd from <i>Italy</i>, is to sing the Part of the Tyrant <i>Bajazet</i>r. N.B. It is commonly reported this Gentleman was never cut out for a Singer.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 10425 | 17241017 | king's | <i>LLondon Journal</i>, 17 Oct.: We hear there is a new Opera now in Practice...called, <i>Tamerlane</i>, the Musick composed by $Mynheer Hendel=, and that $Signior Borseni=, newly arriv'd from <i>Italy</i>, is to sing the Part of the Tyrant <i>Bajazet</i>. N.B. It is commonly reported this Gentleman was never cut out for a Singer

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